Year and a half?
My last post was a year and a half ago! Wow, I'm long overdue for a holiday letter like update. Let's see, what's the template again?
I work for the same place as before and love working there. Free food, a golden tee machine, and a kick ass project stocked with talent. Who could ask for anything more?
The invincible sword goddess talked me into a backpacking trip, and you know what, I throughly enjoyed it. We went to the Grand Canyon and did a three night/four day trip. There was a blizzard the night before (yes, it snows in Arizona!) so we had to get chains for our shoes and ski poles to make it down. Once we made it down though it was 70 and sunny. A thirty degree difference from the top and no snow! My goal was for us to hike 10 miles each day but we wound up closer to 8. You can blame me for that. The sword goddess whooped me on the trails. I am so out of shape.
Unfortunately we ran out of food. We stretched a three day into a four trip and didn't have enough to cover the extra day. I was worthless on the trails without food so the sword goddess kept giving me her portions. Needless to say she was starving by the time we made it back to the top. We decided to hit the first restaurant we saw which was "The Bright Angel Lodge." We're about to order her a feast when the busboy arrives with waters. He had Michigan listed next to his name on his pin so I asked him where he's from. The exchange went like this:
Me: Hey, where in Michigan are you from?
Busboy: Ypsilanti. It's a small town outside of Ann Arbor.
Me: Ann Arbor. Cool. That's where she's from and I used to go to school out there.
Him: Huh. Well I guess that makes us neighbo-- wait a minute, I know you!
I'm a tall, white, jeans and t-shirt guy. It doesn't get any more generic so I figured he's full of shit.
Me: No you don--
Him: No, Mike solo! You were Mike's roommate.
Me: Holy shit! *I Look at his name tag again: Josh* Josh Webster! Wtf!
Talk about out of the blue. Josh was a friend of Mike's. He'd come by ours or we'd go to his house for beers or to watch Mike and him play music. He used to have long hair but it's now short and he's got a goatee which sort of explains why I didn't recognize him. We ended up grabbing sushi later in flagstaff and got to meet his new girlfriend. She's a sweetheart, and Josh told us about how he's been working with another guy rapping. He's all about the look too. Had diamond earrings and a bad ass watch. I've gotta dig up the picture of it. Blingin doesn't even begin to describe it!
Outside work
I got a cat! Her name is Chewy and she's a six month old torti that I rescued from PAWS. She's very people friendly and purrs like a refrigerator if you pet her. One of my favorite things to do is chase her, or have her chase me, around the apartment. I rarely lower the shades so I can only imagine what this looks like to the neighbors. Yes, I'm turning into the crazy cat guy....
Volleyball. I still play every thursday night. Putting together a couple teams to play on the beach this summer.
Softball. I think the same group as last year is going to play again this summer. Hopefully I won't get taken out again by a burly catcher..... =)
Miss my mom. There. I said it.
It's saturday night. Shouldn't you be out?
Most (maybe all?) of my friends have a girl(boy)friend, fiance, wife, husband, or some kind of significant other. Tonight was date night so I'm at home with my date, chewy. Been chasing her around and she's got this new game where she likes to box me with her paws. Ugh! I am so THAT guy....
I work for the same place as before and love working there. Free food, a golden tee machine, and a kick ass project stocked with talent. Who could ask for anything more?
The invincible sword goddess talked me into a backpacking trip, and you know what, I throughly enjoyed it. We went to the Grand Canyon and did a three night/four day trip. There was a blizzard the night before (yes, it snows in Arizona!) so we had to get chains for our shoes and ski poles to make it down. Once we made it down though it was 70 and sunny. A thirty degree difference from the top and no snow! My goal was for us to hike 10 miles each day but we wound up closer to 8. You can blame me for that. The sword goddess whooped me on the trails. I am so out of shape.
Unfortunately we ran out of food. We stretched a three day into a four trip and didn't have enough to cover the extra day. I was worthless on the trails without food so the sword goddess kept giving me her portions. Needless to say she was starving by the time we made it back to the top. We decided to hit the first restaurant we saw which was "The Bright Angel Lodge." We're about to order her a feast when the busboy arrives with waters. He had Michigan listed next to his name on his pin so I asked him where he's from. The exchange went like this:
Me: Hey, where in Michigan are you from?
Busboy: Ypsilanti. It's a small town outside of Ann Arbor.
Me: Ann Arbor. Cool. That's where she's from and I used to go to school out there.
Him: Huh. Well I guess that makes us neighbo-- wait a minute, I know you!
I'm a tall, white, jeans and t-shirt guy. It doesn't get any more generic so I figured he's full of shit.
Me: No you don--
Him: No, Mike solo! You were Mike's roommate.
Me: Holy shit! *I Look at his name tag again: Josh* Josh Webster! Wtf!
Talk about out of the blue. Josh was a friend of Mike's. He'd come by ours or we'd go to his house for beers or to watch Mike and him play music. He used to have long hair but it's now short and he's got a goatee which sort of explains why I didn't recognize him. We ended up grabbing sushi later in flagstaff and got to meet his new girlfriend. She's a sweetheart, and Josh told us about how he's been working with another guy rapping. He's all about the look too. Had diamond earrings and a bad ass watch. I've gotta dig up the picture of it. Blingin doesn't even begin to describe it!
Outside work
I got a cat! Her name is Chewy and she's a six month old torti that I rescued from PAWS. She's very people friendly and purrs like a refrigerator if you pet her. One of my favorite things to do is chase her, or have her chase me, around the apartment. I rarely lower the shades so I can only imagine what this looks like to the neighbors. Yes, I'm turning into the crazy cat guy....
Volleyball. I still play every thursday night. Putting together a couple teams to play on the beach this summer.
Softball. I think the same group as last year is going to play again this summer. Hopefully I won't get taken out again by a burly catcher..... =)
Miss my mom. There. I said it.
It's saturday night. Shouldn't you be out?
Most (maybe all?) of my friends have a girl(boy)friend, fiance, wife, husband, or some kind of significant other. Tonight was date night so I'm at home with my date, chewy. Been chasing her around and she's got this new game where she likes to box me with her paws. Ugh! I am so THAT guy....
Aw snap,
Ya didn't tell me that you ran into Josh (Ratttboy) on your trip out west! I've got to see that photo.
Eric Kampe, at 8:59 AM
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